Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Thank You From A Myanmar Pastor

Dear Pastor Van, Thank you for letting us know you have received the funds. We care deeply about the students and children and all the work you and your family provide. We will continue to be of help as the Lord provides. Thank you for prayers for us; they are always needed and valued. Blessings to each of you,

Connie and Bill

On Aug 27, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Van wrote:

Dear Bill and Westfall Connie,
Funds is arrived safely to me. Please accept my thanking to you. We are going to buy rice bags, cooking fire and cooking oil and curry for the students and orphan children. We need your support and prayer for us. I and my students always praying for you. Thank you very much for your love and concern. God blessing !!

Brother Van

1 comment:

  1. This touches my heart in a big way. We Americans sit fat and happy and think we have it bad sometimes. haha....These people have it far worse and yet because they live so simple, their pain is tolerable. My hats off to CARE Ministry International for giving the necessary resources for the Kingdom! I could feel the gratitude from this man in Burma.

    Please, you two are doing a great work so please keep up the great work and I will keep giving to your ministry!

    In His Work!
