Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pastor Needs Your Support. Will you help?

Dear Brother ,  Please see these pictures, it taken from my fellow workers of the food shortage areas. The great much rates groups has damaged the crops of the filed. There was a great famine has followed to the people.  In some village they closed their doors and shifted to another village or place to find the food. In some place on Sunday there was so worship service. No sufficient food for the family. The Children left the School as they have no food and they could not pay the school fees. It is the real has penning in theses areas.  As they are Christians No hope for their help and supporting to these families.  They cried and cried , they are waiting the supporting.The needs is urgent.  Rev. Van Cung Tum

1 comment:

  1. dear psator
    my name is joyal
    I am pastor in divine love church
    from srilanka, trincomalee.
    pls help for the my ministry
    pls help the church.
    thanka you.
