Sunday, October 3, 2010

We Trained This Young Thai Missionary Over 2 Years Ago. He Is Making A Difference!

Dear, Mom and Dad in Christ
I'm very happy to hear from you as well. I thank God for you have 6 grandchildren. because Bible said our children come from God so is the blessing from God. I always thank God for let me know you and your family and you encourage somuch.we are family in Christ. now the children that we look after who received Jesus, we just teach them and live with them for four month but now they can memorize the scriptures more then ten verses and they can pray for food and before study so I thank God for give this children good brain. I can do every thing in Jesus Christ. Phi 4;13 its my moto.thank you so much for encourage and helping and praying for us. God bless you all.
From your son in Christ - Raylor Emper ( Thailand )

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I are Christians living in Australia. We have been into Burma four times, teaching in Bible Colleges and doing some kids' ministry. (We also do ministry in India, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea.) We are looking for opportunities to do some short-term work mission work in the camps on the Thai border. I've searched for your website, but can only find the blog!
